a man in a blue shirt is smiling while sitting at a table talking to another person across the table
Braces, Invisalign

Invisalign vs Braces: Which Orthodontic Treatment is Right for You?

Make the right decision between Invisalign and Braces.

While it may not feel that way right now, your dream smile is well within reach!  Whether you’re dealing with an overbite or want to close gaps between your teeth, Dunegan & Cole Orthodontics offers multiple treatments to do just that and more! 

This includes both braces and Invisalign.

What are braces? 

Braces are a form of orthodontic treatment used to help with teeth crowding, over/under bites, or crooked teeth. Made from either ceramic or metal, each bracket is affixed to each tooth and holds in place the various wires and elastic bands that transfer pressure to the teeth.  Our board-certified orthodontists expertly plan the required movements to correct various tooth and bite issues. 

What is Invisalign? 

Invisalign is a clear aligner system designed to address many of the issues outlined above.  In short, it is a tool for achieving your dream smile, and it has many benefits as compared to traditional braces.

Invisalign vs Braces: Which is Better?

It can be difficult to say whether Invisalign or braces are better due to the fact that it can depend on a variety of factors, such as personal preference, budget, and specific orthodontic/dental needs. However, many of our patients find they have the most comfortable and positive experience using Invisalign

In this article, we’ll provide you with a detailed comparison of both forms of treatment so that you can decide which is right for you (and your smile) moving forward.

Pros and Cons of Invisalign vs Braces



  • Invisalign treatments can help users combat a wide range of orthodontic issues and are suitable for children, teens, and adults
  • Invisalign aligners are made from transparent materials, which means they are far more discreet than braces. 
  • Invisalign aligners are often considered to be more comfortable than traditional braces. After all, there are no poky wires or brackets! 
  • Invisalign aligners can be removed when necessary.
  • Invisalign is more hygienic. This is because they can help you avoid some of the major risk factors associated with traditional braces, such as white spot lesions and decalcification. 
  • Check-ups for Invisalign treatments are less frequent, meaning added convenience for those who select Invisalign.  This also allows our office to treat patients not only in Gainesville, VA, but also in the surrounding areas, such as Haymarket, Manassas, Warrenton, Middleburg, Chantilly, Centreville, Marshall, Bealeton, Culpeper, and Front Royal.


  • Frequent snackers may not enjoy Invisalign, as you must remove your aligners while eating.



  • Braces have a long history of success when it comes to treating a variety of orthodontic issues and can be used by children, teens, and adults. 
  • Treatment plans for braces can be shorter (though not always) than those for Invisalign, though they do require more frequent check-in appointments. 


  • People who wear braces face significantly more food restrictions than Invisalign users, due to the fact Invisalign aligners can be removed during mealtimes.
  • Braces are far less discreet than Invisalign, though they can be customized.
  • Some individuals who wear braces deal with discoloration or plaque build-up around the brackets.  Hygiene issues tend to be the most common problem with braces.
  • Braces are often considered to be less comfortable than Invisalign. 

Is Invisalign as Effective as Braces?

While they have modernized over time, braces treatments can be traced back to the eighteenth century. As a result, many people believe that braces are a more effective or reliable form of treatment than Invisalign, but this is not always the case. Plenty of research has gone into the development of these aligners so that they can replicate the benefits of traditional braces while remaining discrete. 

Furthermore, the benefits listed above, from reduced food restrictions to enhanced comfort, often mean that they are the more effective solution! 

Invisalign vs Traditional Braces: A Comparison

There are many different factors that you should take into consideration when comparing Invisalign with traditional braces. Firstly, they have quite a lot in common. While they vary in appearance, they work to serve similar functions when it comes to improving an individual’s smile or oral health. 

However, the main differences are as follows: 

  • Invisalign is a more discrete form of treatment, and you may find that nobody realizes you are wearing your aligner.
  • A trained orthodontist must remove braces, whereas you can take out your Invisalign (and put it back in) yourself.
  • Individuals who have tried both braces and Invisalign find Invisalign to be much more comfortable. 

Braces or Invisalign: Which is More Effective?

Both braces and Invisalign are effective in the treatment of a variety of orthodontic issues or complaints. 

However, our orthodontists can provide you with more specific guidance as to which option is best for you, depending on your teeth, lifestyle, and any orthodontic challenges you may face. 

For example, one study found that clear aligners were better than braces at segmented tooth movement. In other words, Invisalign was better at moving a specific section of teeth than braces.  

Invisalign vs Metal Braces: Choosing the Right Option

There are many different factors that should influence your final decision between Invisalign and metal braces. This includes: 

  • Aesthetic Appearance. Invisalign is designed to be near-invisible when placed inside your mouth, meaning it is very discrete. Braces, however, are much more noticeable, though you do have the choice to customize them somewhat. 
  • Orthodontic Advice. In some cases, your orthodontist may recommend one treatment over the other, depending on the issues you are currently facing. For example, if you are dealing with impacted teeth, braces may be the recommended course of action.
  • Your Budget. Your budget will also play a key role when it comes to determining which is the right treatment option for you. 

However, as Invisalign treatments offer all of the same benefits as braces, with less discomfort and fewer restrictions, this is often the best course of action. We’d only recommend that you opt for braces over Invisalign if you’re genuinely excited about braces or feel as though you’d struggle to wear Invisalign for the daily recommended time (20-22 hours).

Invisalign vs Braces: Treatment Time Comparison

Another factor that you may want to consider when choosing between Invisalign and braces is the amount of time that treatment takes. Again, this can vary depending on your personal circumstances and in the case of Invisalign, whether or not you wear them as intended. 

If looking for just a “touch-up” treatment, then Invisalign can often be significantly faster as it provides a more customized approach where our orthodontists can just move the teeth that are problematic and leave all other teeth in place.  Braces are much more difficult to do these limited treatments and in that case, can cause treatment to go longer than expected.

It’s also important to consider the number of check-ups you will need with each treatment. In terms of braces, you’d need to stop by the office about every 6-8 weeks, during which time adjustments will be made to your braces. Invisalign requires around half the appointments of typical braces. For example, we tend to see patients every 2-4 months, though this can be extended up to 6 months between visits when using virtual monitoring. 

Invisible Braces vs Invisalign: Which is the Best Option?

More recently, invisible braces have become popularized. Instead of metal, they tend to be made from a ceramic material that blends with the color of your teeth, meaning that they are more discreet than typical metal braces. The rest of the positives and negatives of braces would still apply.  It comes down to personal preference and budget when deciding the best option! 

Get in touch today to find out more!

Whether you prefer braces or Invisalign, it’s important to remember that both are just tools to fix teeth.  This often means that the results depend more on the provider’s skill than the merits of the tool itself!

Fortunately, at Dunegan & Cole Orthodontics, we have years of experience in helping patients of all ages fall in love with their smiles. Our board-certified orthodontists are skilled with braces and are Blue Diamond Plus Invisalign providers (top 1% in the USA). 

If you’re still having trouble deciding between Invisalign and braces, we’d be happy to talk through your options with you during a free consultation

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