Featured, Retainers

Why Your Teeth Could be Shifting After Braces or Invisalign Treatment

If you are one of the many who has had Invisalign or braces or are thinking of having one of these treatments done, you’re likely hoping that this investment will help your teeth stay straight for the long term.

If you are one of the many who has had Invisalign or braces or are thinking of having one of these treatments done, you’re likely hoping that this investment will help your teeth stay straight for the long term. However, you may be surprised to learn that many patients experience teeth shifting after completing treatment.  In this blog, we will share some of the reasons why your teeth could be shifting after treatment, how to maintain your new smile, and the importance of consistent retainer usage. 

Why your Teeth Could Be Shifting

Whether your treatment lasted for several months or several years, starting to see your teeth shift is never a good feeling. Many of the causes of shifting can be prevented. Check out some of the most common reasons for shifting below:

  1. Teeth Grinding– Or also known as Bruxism, is a very destructive habit that can cause damage to your teeth and cause them to shift. Talk to your orthodontist on ways to prevent this, like using a nightguard. 
  2. Tooth Loss– If you lose or extract a tooth after treatment, other teeth will have more space to move around. See your orthodontist or dentist to learn how you can take preventative measures against this.
  3. Aging– As you get older, your lower jaw grows forward and becomes more narrow which can cause your teeth to shift and become overcrowded over time slowly. 
  4. Damage – Be sure not to purposefully cause any damage to your teeth after treatment. Avoid using your teeth as a bottle opener, chewing ice, and biting your nails. 
  5. Inconsistent Retainer Usage – Inconsistent retainer wear is the most common reason why we see our patient’s teeth shift after braces treatment. After treatment is complete, we recommend wearing your retainer every night while sleeping. We offer several different retainer options to ensure that our patients keep their perfect smiles as long as possible. 

Why are Retainers so Important? 

Retainers are the best way to maintain your smile! Your teeth are surrounded by tiny ligaments which attach to the jaw in your bone. When the braces or Invisalign rearrange your teeth and move them, it stretches these threads as well, similar to a rubber band. Without retainers, your ligaments eventually pull back to their former position with the help of your cheeks and tongue. So, do not let your hard work and time spent wearing braces go to waste! Make sure you are wearing your retainers for as long as your orthodontist recommends. If you feel as though your teeth continue to shift even though you are wearing your retainer religiously, check with your orthodontist to have your retainer adjusted. Remember to brush and floss daily and limit the soda and sugar intake—schedule regular exams with your dentist and orthodontist. 

If you have more questions about retainer wear, braces, or Invisalign treatment, our board-certified orthodontists are here to help. Give us a call or book your complimentary consultation today

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Everything You Need to Know About Orthodontic Retainers

Our teeth are a vitally important part of our lives. That means brushing and flossing, regular cleanings and checkups at the dentist, and getting braces or Invisalign as needed are an absolute must. 

Our teeth are a vitally important part of our lives. That means brushing and flossing, regular cleanings and checkups at the dentist, and getting braces or Invisalign as needed are an absolute must. 

For those of us who’ve had to deal with braces or Invisalign treatment, there’s one other thing we have to add to the list: wearing a retainer. Almost ready for yours, or just want to learn more about the entire process? Here are the basics you should know.

What is a Retainer?

If you’ve heard the word before but aren’t entirely sure exactly what it is, you’re not alone. To clear things up, a retainer is a custom-made dental device typically made from plastic or wires that hold realigned teeth in position, so they won’t revert to where they were before treatment. This means that all who have had certain surgeries, braces, or Invisalign will also have to wear a retainer. After all, you don’t want all of that time and money to go to waste! 

In many ways, retainers are very similar to Invisalign trays. The differences, however, lie in the details. Retainers have a slightly differing design featuring a thicker plastic and higher rigidity. While these aren’t as comfortable as Invisalign trays, always be sure to wear your retainer as prescribed. Your doctor really does know best!

Main Types of Retainers

Dunegan Cole Orthodontics offers several different retainer options to choose from. Both serve the same purpose, but each one has its advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a quick breakdown of each one to get you better acquainted:

Removable Retainers

Removable retainers are the most common form of retainer. These molded trays can be popped in and out for meal times and are expected to be worn around 12-ish hours a day or at least overnight to keep teeth nice and straight. Within these are two distinct kinds:

  1. Vacuum form retainer – A VFR uses a regular horseshoe shape that fits snugly over your teeth. These days, they’re almost always clear and are much more aesthetically pleasing since they’re mostly invisible. They’re also usually comfier and less bulky. On the downside, though, they do tend to wear out quicker than other forms of retainers, particularly for compulsive teeth grinders. 
  2. Hawley retainer – Unlike a VFR, a Hawley retainer forms to the roof/floor of your mouth and attached with a wire that slips over the front of your teeth. This allows for greater adjustment and durability. However, they’re far less attractive and make talking and swallowing more difficult than their counterparts. 

Permanent Retainers

The most common type of permanent retainer is a fixed lingual retainer, a wire semi-permanently fixed to the back of your teeth. These are only removed by your dentist and are usually primarily recommended for those with especially complex teeth problems like excessive rotation, crowding, or gaps. 

These dental devices are nice as they’re surprisingly comfortable, and you don’t have to think about taking them in and out. But they’re also tricky to clean, and breakage can require immediate orthodontic attention. 

How Often Should You Wear Them?

As you might anticipate, there is no one answer to this question. How often you wear your retainer will be entirely up to the discretion of your orthodontist, and their decision will be influenced by a number of factors, including your age, teeth condition, overall dental health, your braces/Invisalign experience, and more. Some will wear it nightly for a year, some for several, and some for the foreseeable future. It all depends on how your teeth adapt to treatment. 
If you’d like to learn more about retainers or are ready to get started with your smile journey, book your complimentary consultation with our board-certified orthodontists today!

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How Long Do I Need to Wear My Retainer?

Congratulations on your new smile! If you have just gotten your braces removed or have just completed your Invisalign journey, your orthodontist has likely given you a retainer. One of our most frequently asked questions by our patients is – how long do I need to wear my retainer?

Congratulations on your new smile! If you have just gotten your braces removed or have just completed your Invisalign journey, your orthodontist has likely given you a retainer. One of our most frequently asked questions by our patients is – how long do I need to wear my retainer?

Read on for a simple explanation on how retainers work, and why you should be disciplined in wearing them post-treatment! 

Why Is A Retainer Necessary?

Our teeth alignment is constantly shifting throughout our life. Our chewing habits, grinding teeth, tooth decay, and even aging are a few of many possible reasons that result in the shifting of our teeth

Wearing a retainer that keeps the teeth in the correct position is essential to prevent them from getting misaligned again. It is so important to take these preventative measures to ensure that you won’t have to go through another round of braces or Invisalign. 

Choosing Your Retainer

The good news is, like braces, there are different kinds of retainers you can choose from to suit your lifestyle. 

  1. Permanent or Bonded Retainers: 

    Permanent or bonded retainers are permanently adhered to the back of your teeth to fix them in their existing straightened alignments. The upside? They are not visible like braces and you don’t need to fuss about taking them out when eating. This type of retainer can last for years and is a great option for those who often forget to wear their retainer. 

  2. Removable Metal Retainers

    These retainers are usually made of plastic or acrylic and an accompanying wireframe that holds the teeth in a fixed position. The benefits? It is removable, does not stain easily, and can last for a few years before replacement.

  3. Removable Clear Plastic Retainers

    These are simple plastic retainers molded to the shape of your teeth set that can be easily removed during meals. Our patients love these retainers for their invisibility and comfort. 

Phases of Wearing A Retainer

Wondering how frequently and how long you need to wear your retainers? Here is a simple breakdown of the common phases you will go through: 

Phase 1 ( 2 years):

After completing your braces or Invisalign treatment, you will need to wear your retainer 8-10 hours a night at bedtime for up to 2 years. If you can not wear them in your sleep, wear them 8-10 hours per day.

Phase 2 (Maintenance):

Going forward, most orthodontists would still recommend that you continue with regular retainer wear. While after a few years the bones around your teeth help to keep the new positions in place, there are still chances it can slowly shift over time.

Want your smile to last a lifetime? We would recommend you continue to wear your retainers 3-5 times every week just to keep them in the right place.

Ready to Learn More?

If you’re looking for an orthodontist in Gainesville, VA, contact us today to get started on your smile journey! 

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The Importance of Wearing Your Retainer After Orthodontic Treatment

What is The Importance of Wearing Your Retainer After Orthodontic Treatment? The big day is here and your braces are finally coming off! Does that mean you are completely done? Not so fast! After you complete your treatment at Dunegan & Cole Orthodontics, our team will recommend you wear a retainer. Retainers must be worn […]

What is The Importance of Wearing Your Retainer After Orthodontic Treatment? The big day is here and your braces are finally coming off! Does that mean you are completely done? Not so fast! After you complete your treatment at Dunegan & Cole Orthodontics, our team will recommend you wear a retainer. Retainers must be worn every night for the first year in order to hold your teeth in their proper, new position while your gums, ligaments, and bones adapt. It is important to know there are different types of retainers, and today we would like to explain the differences between them,

Hawley Retainers

The Hawley retainer is one of the most common types of retainers. It is a removable retainer made of a combination of metal wire and acrylic that typically surrounds the six anterior teeth and is designed to keep your teeth in place. This retainer is made from impressions of your teeth so that it fits snugly and comfortably in the roof of your mouth. The wire and acrylic framing keeps your teeth in an ideal position. The acrylic can also be personalized with a large number of colors or patterns.

Essix (clear) Retainers

The Essix retainer is a transparent removable retainer that fits over the entire arch of your teeth. This clear retainer is produced from a mold of your teeth. Similar to Invisalign’s clear aligners, Essix retainers have no metal or wires. They can also be used to produce minor tooth movements and can be helpful in the prevention of tooth wear due to grinding at night.

Bonded Retainers

Bonded lingual retainers are cemented directly to the inside of the surface of your lower canines and anterior teeth. Our team at Dunegan Orthodontics encourages our patients with bonded lingual retainers to be careful with their bite as the bonding material may break due to incorrect biting and cause your teeth to shift. As with removable retainers, it is important to keep your bonded retainers clean. When brushing, make sure to carefully clean the inside of your lower teeth, as well as the wire itself.

The retention phase of treatment begins as soon as the braces are removed. Retainers are worn nightly for the first year. Typically, after one year the doctor will recommend you switch to every other night. Retainers should be worn for a lifetime to ensure your teeth never shift.

If you have any questions about the retainers we offer or to learn more about post-orthodontic treatment, please feel free to contact a Dunegan & Cole Orthodontics team member. We will be happy to answer any of your questions!

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